Helpful tips regarding keeping that weight off at your hand


swimmimg exercise helps keep the weight off


lose weight and keep it off


best body area for sculpting

Sunday 8 October 2017

Liposuction Vs CoolSculpting Pros And Cons

Ultimately, when comparing Liposuction vs Coolsculpting, you want to talk to your doctor to find out the best method for you. There are, of course, pros and cons for each but your doctor can not only provide you with those, he can also better evaluate which one is best for you, your body type and your unique situation.

As a general rule of thumb when you are trying to figure out Liposuction vs Cool Sculpting it would seem that cool sculpting would wins hands down. There are many reasons for this and in this article I will go over what those reason are.

Again though, I can't stress enough the importance of talking to your doctor so you can make the best decision possible. Any type of procedure, especially invasive ones, are big deals. You need to factor in how much it will cost along with what you can reasonably expect and what you can't reasonably expect.

That may be one of the most important things to consider, make sure that whatever option you choose you have a very realistic idea of what you can really expect but don't fall into the idea of expecting more than you really should.

One of the biggest things you need to remember is that any type of liposuction or cool sculpting is not about weight loss. Let me repeat that, it's not about weight loss. That may sound odd but it is one of the biggest misconceptions that most people have.

You see, both of these methods are about "sculpting" not weight loss. It is important that you use other, safe and doctor approved, methods to lose all the weight you can first. But, since it is impossible to lose weight only in one small spot, spot reducing, you will probably still have trouble spots when you are done.

Those are the areas you need to use these types of sculpting techniques  for since that is what they are deigned for. You may not be able to spot reduce with diet and exercise but you can spot "sculpt" with either liposuction or cool sculpting.

The big advantage of cool sculpting is that it is totally non invasive. As such there are virtually no side effects associated with it. There is no risk of infection as there would be with liposuction, there is no risk of dangerous side effects from anesthesia as there is with liposuction, etc.

Overall the price of cool sculpt is also a lot less since it isn't actually a surgery. With surgery you normally need to either do it in a surgery center or a hospital and you would need not only your doctor and a nurse or two but also a anesthesiologist as well.

All of that will generally increase your costs.

Again, only your doctor can give you the most accurate answer to the Liposuction vs Cool Sculpting question. The only real advantage to liposuction would be if the results you got were superior to the cool sculpt. If not, it just may not be worth the extra risks and the extra money.

Best Tips For Safe Healthy Weight Loss

Losing weight can be one of the hardest things to do in your life. It can be also be frustrating because there are so many choices out there. When you feel overwhelmed, it's best to stick to tried and true methods of losing weight. Here are some great ways to get the weight off.

Help yourself to become psychologically prepared to lose weight by taking a mindfulness class. Mindfulness is a technique that teaches you to be aware of what you are doing, and of everything around you at every moment. It can help you relieve stress and remain calm in all situations. While you are eating, the training helps you to think of nothing but the taste, feel, appearance and smell of the food, how often you chew it, and how pleasurable it is to you. Not only will this encourage you to eat more slowly, but it will give you greater enjoyment and appreciation of each meal.

Don't depend on a junk scale when you are pursuing weight loss. A cheap scale can give you inaccurate readings. Some are not sensitive enough to your weight, and can be off as much as ten pounds. Get a newer digital scale so you will have a precise way of measuring your progress.

Try to always eat meals while sitting at the table. People that eat meals while they are doing other things, tend to eat much more than those that focus on eating their meal while seated at a table. Try to follow this, even if you are eating alone.

White bread is actually bad for you to eat. Although it tastes great, white bread is actually really refined and doesn't have the correct about of minerals and vitamins that your body needs. Instead you should try and make a nice sandwich out of whole grain bread which is good for your body.

To organize your weight loss program, go to the store and purchase a notebook to use as a log. This should include all of the food that you eat during the course of the day and the amount of exercises that you do. Organizing your regime is imperative to maintaining success.

When trying to lose weight, it always helps if you are in a good mood. Being in a bad mood or suffering a bout of depression will throw off your sleep patterns, cause you to eat for emotional reasons, and ultimately deter you from exercising properly. Make sure that you're avoiding stress and staying in the mood to diet.

Save calories all year long on the drinks, as well as the meals. Have a diet soda instead of a sugary soft drink or add sparking water to your white wine for a marvelous spritzer. Other non-threatening drinks for dieters include low-cal ice tea, sugar-free lemonade and the always-trustworthy water.

To lose weight one should make a daily plan which includes exercise and a balanced diet. Planning ahead is key to success because there is less of a chance of giving in to temptation, or backing out of the an exercise routine. Once the plan is set, it is easier to stay on track by following it precisely.

Consider adding edamame to your diet if you are trying to lose some weight. This soybean based product is great for anyone trying to shed a few pounds as it is extremely easy and very easy to prepare. You can find it in the frozen food section of any grocery store.

Weight loss can be challenging for everyone, but using tips like these can make it a little easier. These tips can be a good foundation for your weight loss, as well as help you see results that motivate you to keep going. Weight loss may not be easy but it is certainly worth it.

Friday 6 October 2017

Weightloss Boot Camps -Not A Vacation

If you have ever watched the TV show, The Biggest Loser, you probably have a good idea what weightloss boot camps are all about.

They are places that morbidly obese people can go to lose weight quicker than trying to do it on their own.

Obviously from the name you will not be on vacation, you will be working your butt off, literally, from morning until bedtime and eating what they tell you you can eat.

Reality shows take things a step further and play games with your mind by trying to tempt the contestants into eating things they shouldn't so they get voted off of the show. I guess that has to happen so there can eventually be a winner but it somehow just doesn't seem fair.

If you want to look and feel better about yourself and lose a bunch of weight research weightloss boot camps.

This type of weight loss "camp" is not cheap and the weight will not come off over night so make sure you have the money and time to devote to yourself and your health.

I have never been to one but I am sure they are all a little different in how they go about helping their clients lose the weight but every one of them should be over seen by a doctor and complete medical staff in case there are problems.

If you find one you like that does not have a complete medical staff on board, keep looking. You do not want to put yourself at risk by joining a camp that doesn't care enough about their clients to want to protect them.

It is your choice as to what type of "camp" you want to go to. There are some out west that could be kind of fun and include horse back riding and that kind of thing.

You may be able to find one up in the north woods or down south. Finding some area of the country to go where you have never been may appeal to you. You might find one right in your own back yard, too.

Some programs may run longer than other but if you want to see drastic results then you will have to be away from home for at least 12 weeks. These are live in facilities where you stay until the program runs it's course.

I think The Biggest Loser runs for about 16 weeks but don't quote me on that. Some programs may go longer or some may be a lot shorter.  Find one that fits your schedule and budget. There is no need to go into this under some time or financial constraints, that will only cause you more stress than you already have.

Some people just do not know what they are capable of until they get right in there and start fighting for what they want. Being over weight is no fun but there is always someone who can help so do yourself a favor and find one of the weightloss boot camps to go to to get the help you need.

Weightloss Challenges In Boot Camps

There are many weightloss challenges in boot camps and the first one is making the decision to take control of your life and vow to lose the weight and be healthier and look better than you have in years.

Once you make that decision the rest will still not be easy but with the help of the personal trainers, nutritionists, doctors and counselors you should be able to master the weightloss challenges in boot camps and become the person you were meant to be.

One of the very first things you will be asked to do is to set your goals. You will need to figure out what you want to achieve during your stay at the camp. Goals can be long term and short term. In fact it is best to make several short term goals while on the path to the long term goal of reaching your ideal weight.

Short term goals will help keep you motivated on a daily basis which is what you need on your journey to reaching that ultimate goal of your ideal weight and fitness level.

The physical aspects of the camp will vary and can be even more of a challenge to a body not used to moving around much. That's where the personal trainers come in. They are educated and knowledgeable so they can customize a workout for you based on your abilities and any limitations you may have.


But, they will not go easy on you, you will work and work hard every single day you are there. You will learn to work through the sore muscles and stiff joints and eventually come out the other side a better person both physically and mentally.

Some of you may find that learning to eat a more healthy diet may be quite the challenge and some of you may enjoy trying new things and learning to change the way you look at food altogether. 


You will learn that food is fuel for your body and you should concentrate on that aspect of eating and not eating til you burst every time you sit down to a meal.

We were all raised to "clean our plates" when mealtime came around but little did our parents know that they were setting us up for failure for when we became adults.

We were all raised to become over weight adults because if we didn't clean our plates somehow that would affect starving children elsewhere in the world. 

Anyway, you will learn to make healthier choices for meals and learn correct portion sizes as well. 

In the end you will be, not only thinner and healthier, but you will have the knowledge you need to take home with you to continue to be the new healthy, fit person you first set out to be and you will be able to keep the weight off indefinitely with this new knowledge and help your family do the same.

Overcoming the weightloss challenges in boot camps will be the best decision you have made in a long time.

Lose Weight And Look Great With These Tips

It is time to get this weight thing under control once and for all, and this article is about to arm you with some serious arsenal to help you in the battle. Even if you have struggled in the past, it is time to start fresh. Use the information here to help motivate you, because this thing can be done!

Don't forget to commit yourself to a long-term outcome. Do the kinds of activities and exercises that you enjoy so that you will continue to do them for a long time. Shortcuts and easy fixes will only get in the way of what should be a lifelong commitment to your health.

We all know that vitamin C benefits our bodies in many ways. But it also helps those trying to lose weight in that it converts glucose in to energy. You will enjoy many foods that are rich in vitamin C. The list includes: broccoli, green peppers, kiwi fruit, lemons, oranges and even cabbage. There are thousands of others!

One way to help with weight loss is to brush your teeth right after eating dinner. This tells your body you are done with food for the night. The minty clean feeling discourages snacking or drinking high calorie liquids. A minty mouth and greasy potato chips, for example, do not go well together.

Make it a point not to deprive yourself. If you are used to eating a lot of things that are not healthy for you, it is better for you to cut them out of your diet gradually. Eliminating too many things too fast will most likely lead to binge eating later.

One helpful tip for losing weight is to eat soups, especially for the evening meal. Soups can vary a lot in body and texture, but all are comforting and filling. The high amount of liquid fills you up, and they can be quite nutritious with the addition of beans, whole grain pasta, brown rice, vegetables, and lean meats. You can consume a great deal of soup compared to the volume of solid food you would be able to eat containing the same calories, and walk away feeling much more satisfied.

Turn small tasks and activities into exercises that you can complete anywhere. There are several things you do each day, that while not significant, pose a great chance to get an extra exercise in here and there. Whether you are brushing your teeth and doing crunches at the same time, or cooking and running in place, there are many great exercises that could easily take up down time.

Sign up with an online community that focuses on weight loss. Not only will you get valuable information, but you will be in a support group that will keep you motivated in your endeavor. This is also a good support system for people who are too self-conscious to join a group in person.

Choosing fish instead of meat, can help you to lose weight. You will still feel full, but at the same time, decrease your calorie intake. Seafood products are often lighter, with less fat, while still providing protein along with an array of intriguing tastes and textures. By eating less red meat (even less white meat) and choosing fish, you give your diet a much-needed boost.

Now that you are well armed, it is time to get to work and drop the pounds for good. Even if weight has always been an issue, you can use the information here to go into this thing informed and ready. It is time to show those love handles who is boss!

Thursday 5 October 2017

Nutrition And Weightloss Boot Camp

Nutrition and weightloss boot camps should go hand in hand. Relearning healthy habits is important when trying to lose weight.

Proper nutrition can be confusing. You may think you already eat healthy foods but have you ever read the labels of the things that you eat? Let's just say that a typical day for you starts out cold cereal for breakfast. Is that all you eat? Do you know the correct serving size? You do if you have read the label.

The usual serving size is one cup of cereal and one cup of milk. Calorie count is probably close to 230 calories per serving. There is some protein in the milk you poured over your cereal but most of what you have just eaten is processed carbohydrates, the bad kind.

Bad because they spike your blood sugar and if you don't burn it off immediately your body will store it as fat around your middle. The sugar content of these cereals is high.

Most "healthy" cereals have some type of sugar added to them because if they didn't, you would not be able to eat them, they would taste terrible. Check the labels.

Nutrition and weightloss boot camps should have some sort of "class" to teach their clients about proper nutrition and how to keep up the new, healthy eating habits you learn during your stay at the camp.

There is no sense spending thousands of dollars at one of these camps losing the weight if you do not make the lifestyle changes you need to make. You will only succeed in putting the weight right back on when you come home.

That's right, I said thousands of dollars. A typical one month stay can run you anywhere between $7,000.00 to $18,000.00 depending on where you choose to stay. Do the comparisons on your own, losing weight is big business.

Most if not all of the nutrients we put in our bodies should come from fresh foods. Processed foods came about only as a matter of convenience. No one knew at the time that people would come to rely on processed foods to feed their families after a busy day at the office.

Bad carbs are one of the biggest culprits in this country being as morbidly obese as it is. You may think you are eating healthy but if you were to stop and count the carbs you eat in one day you would see the correlation between that bad carb consumption and the fact that you cannot lose the weight and in fact keep on gaining weight.

You must re-learn how to eat if you are going to lose the excess weight you are carrying around. Find a camp that will help you re-learn how to shop and make tasty healthy meals for yourself and your family.

Nutrition and weightloss boot camps focus should be on, not only losing the weight and making lifestyle changes, but making sure that their clients can sustain that weight loss and lifestyle change after they return home.

Wednesday 4 October 2017

What's Wrong With Crash Diets?

Many desperate people turn to crash diets hoping they will lose the most weight in the shortest time that way. Perhaps they have had past experiences of losing weight successfully with this type of plan, or they have read about a new diet that some celebrity has followed to lose weight fast. So what is wrong with crash diets? Is there any reason why they have such a bad reputation?

The most obvious problem with crash diets is that the weight loss is almost always temporary. If you suddenly change to a restricted diet, your body will respond by storing less water. You will lose weight and be less bloated, i.e. thinner, but you will not necessarily lose any fat. When you end the diet that weight will go right back on.

Of course, you may lose some fat too, depending on the diet and how long you follow it. However, the body often goes into starvation mode during these diets. It thinks a famine has hit, and it should slow down the metabolism and store as much fat as possible to guard against the hard times ahead. When you increase your food consumption, even if you do it in a healthy way, that famine metabolism can persist and lead your body to gain some or all of the weight back.

Added to that is the psychological effect of breaking a crash diet. Whether this happens at the end of the planned diet or in the middle out of desperation, it tends involve overeating. For this reason alone, many people who follow crash diets find that a month later, they are heavier than they were before the diet.

In addition, there are some significant health issues with crash diets. First, diets that focus on losing weight fast are usually very restrictive in the types of foods that you can eat. Many foods (and sometimes whole food groups) will be cut out. This is not something you could do in the long term without suffering from deficiencies. It is not good for the body in the short term either.

On many crash diets you will not be getting the nutrients that the body needs. It is true that you can take supplements, but many supplements rely on substances in whole foods to make them work most effectively. Nutrient deficiencies lead to cravings, making it harder to stick to the diet and more likely that you will break out in a binge. At the same time, you may be getting more of some nutrients than is healthy.

To summarize, crash diets can only ever be a temporary solution, for example for a situation where you need to lose a little weight for a particular event, and you do not mind if you gain it back - and more - afterward. The healthiest option for losing weight is to make changes that will allow you to lose weight slowly on a healthy eating plan that does not ban any foods completely, but allows you to incorporate occasional treats. In the long term, people who follow crash diets are likely to gain weight, not lose it.